Frequently asked questions
A black bar appears on my badge preview. What does it mean?
In some cases, a black bar may appear in the center of the badge. To remove it, close the Preview window and open it again.
Note: this black bar will not be printed when issuing the badge.
A pop-up window appears on my screen, what's it for?
This window corresponds to the system of pop-up information windows which provide information (e.g. on cleaning the machine) or indicate the actions required to print (e.g. changing the ribbon, etc.).
This window is generated by the “Printer Manager” communication tool.
Check the FAQ for more details What is the Badgy Printer Manager?
Can Badgy print on both sides of the card?
The Badgy printer is a single-sided printer, with no flip-over feature. After printing the front side, cards can be returned manually into the feeder to print on their reverse side.
Can I add additional objects to my badge (photo/picture, text, etc.)?
You can add one or more objects to your badge template (fixed or variable zones).
Adding a fixed zone
To add a fixed zone, you must:
- Click Settings
- Select the Issue Badge tab
- Tick the Fixed Zones box (default setting in the window).
- Click Add.
Select the type of object to add to your badge, and then click OK.
The new object is now displayed on your badge, while its name and type are both added to the list of fixed zones.
Adding a variable zone
To add a variable zone, you need to:
- Click Settings
- Select the Issue Badge tab
- Tick the Variable Zones option.
- Click Add to display a new window. Key in the name of this new variable zone (field name in the Excel spreadsheet)
Select the type of object to add to your badge, and then click OK.
The new object/zone is displayed on your badge, while the name and type of this object are both added to the list of variable zones.
The following object types are available:
- Text
- WordArt
- Tick box
It is not possible to add a variable image. If you need this feature for your badge, please select a template which comes with a variable picture, from our Website or from the CD-Rom supplied with Badgy.
Can I print on transparent cards?
Due to the presence of INFRARED sensors which are used for the cards synchronization, the transparent or translucent card cannot be used correctly with the Badgy.
Can I reprint on cards printed with a ribbon?
Can I use a generic ribbon?
ONLY Badgy ribbons are guaranteed to print correctly.
The use of generic ribbons may lead to printing problems. This also voids the printer warranty.
No technical support will be available if generic ribbons are used.
How can I delete a zone from the badge?
- Click “Settings”.
- Select the “Issue badge” tab.
- Choose the “Fixed Zones” or “Variable Zones” option.
- Select the zone concerned.
- Click the “Delete” button => Confirmation window displayed.
- Confirm (or cancel) the deletion.
Reminder: You can delete only the variable zones you have created.
How can I install a ribbon?
How can I tell which version of the printer driver I have in Windows?
- Double-click on the Printer Manager icon (located at the bottom of your screen, in the notification zone).
- Right-click on the Printer Manager icon to get the menu panel (see below) and select Identification card.
How do I choose which badge to download?
How do I clean the printer?
How do I update the Badgy printer firmware in Windows?
- Connect your printer to your computer and switch it on.
- Download the installation file to your hard disk from the Downloads area on the Badgy website.
- Double-click the SetupWizardBadgy.exe file to start the update, and follow the instructions.
- Select your printer from the list to update it.
- The on-off switch on the control panel should flash during the firmware update. (Do not switch off the printer)
- Click Next twice to complete the installation. The printer will automatically adjust the sensors.
How to add or delete an item from a drop down list?
- Position your mouse on the list of options cell of an empty data entry row.
- Select the option to be deleted
- Hit the “Delete” key on your keyboard.
Add an option to the list
- Position your mouse on the list of options cell of an empty data entry row.
- Type the option to be added.
- Hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
How to configure a monochrome black ribbon?
- Open up the Print Options menu:
From the Start button found bottom-left on the Windows task bar, select “Printers and faxes”.
- Double-click the printer icon “Evolis Badgy1.”
- In the “Evolis Badgy1” window, click “Printer”, then select “Printing Preferences”.
- In the “Printing Preferences” window, select “Advanced” in the “Layout” tab.
- Under “Document options/Printer features”, select “Black” under “Ribbon Type”, and click “OK”.
How to download and use Badgy card templates?
- Click “My Account” located à the top of the screen. Click “New user” if applicable. If you already have an account, simply select your template, then click “Login to download”
- Once your account is created, click “Download”
- Save the template file to your computer and rename it if required.
From the CDROM supplied with the printer
- Click the Choose a template menu item. You can now select a template from any of the 6 categories.
- Click the selected template.
- The file will open. Make sure you have defined the security level of macros to Medium (more info)
You then need to save this template to your computer, and therefore save any editing: Click File, then Save As from the Excel menu.
How to edit Photo/Picture objects?
Photo/Picture objects can be added to selected badges.
Select the object to modify from the Settings windows and click Modify. The following screen is displayed.
Here is how each button operates:
Field name
You can rename this field. Note that this setting will not be printed on your badge.This setting cannot be edited for Photo/Picture variable objects.
Click the « … » button to modify the picture to be used. This will open a window and let you browse to select the picture on your PC.
You can select the height and length of the area covered by the object.
You can drag the object to any direction.
Bring to Front/Move to Back
You can select on which layer the object will be displayed, with regards to other objects.
Moving speed on the screen
Sets the speed for the three above features: choose Slow for precise configuration or Fast for faster results.
To change picture brightness.
To change picture contrast.
To change the picture rotation angle.
How to edit Text objects?
Text objects can be configured to suit your needs.
Select the object to modify from the Settings window and click Modify. The following screen will be displayed. The role of each button is displayed below:
Field Name
If this is a fixed zone, you can rename this field. Note that this setting will not be printed on your badge.
For variables zones, this data appears as a column title, but won’t show up on printed badges.
Fixed text field and « Enter » button
The data contained in this field is fixed and will appear on all printed badges. Use the Enter button located to the right of this field to return when typing your text.
Note that this field will not be displayed if the zone is defined as variable.
You can select the height and length of the object zone
You can drag the object to any direction.
Bring to Front/Move to Back
You can select on which layer the object will be displayed, with regards to other objects.
Moving speed on the screen
Sets the speed for the three above features: choose Slow for precise configuration or Fast for faster operation.
Fonts and layout
These buttons trigger a window that will let you configure fonts (font type and format such bold, underlined, font color) and text layout (left, center, right).
How to edit WordArt objects?
WordArt objects are text-based objects with preset effects. Such effects are offered by all tools from the Microsoft Office™ suite.
WordArt objects can be configured to suit your needs.
Select the object to edit from the Settings window and click Modify. The following window will appear.
Here is how each button operates:
Field name
If this is a fixed zone, you can rename this field. Note that this setting will not be printed on your badge.
For variables zones, this data appears as column title, and won’t show up on printed badges.
Fixed text field and « Enter » button
The data contained in this field is fixed and will appear on all printed badges. Use the Enter button located to the right of this field to return when typing your text.
Note that this field will not be displayed if the zone is defined as variable.
You can select the height and length of the object zone.
You can drag the object to any direction.
Bring to Front/Move to Back
You can select on which layer the object will be displayed, with regards to other objects.
Moving speed on the screen
Sets the speed for the three above features: Choose Slow for precise configuration or Fast for faster operation.
Transparency, Background Color, Border Color, Rotation and type
WordArt enables you to select different preset text formats and to edit colors (background and border), transparency and rotation.
Use the following configuration buttons to personalize the WordArt object.
Fonts and orientation
These buttons display the WordArt object in Bold or in Italics.
You can also change the text orientation (display letter vertically or horizontally).
Special case of concatenations:
The WordArt object named « Full Name » is often a variable zone.
This object will display both the First Name and The Surname, separated by a field. This is called “concatenation”.
Such data will be displayed in the user-defined zone, whatever the number of characters in the WordArt string. The text will therefore scale to fit the size of the area, not the contrary (see image below).
How to enable macros and set the level of security to Medium?
In order to use the Office-Cards application and personalize badge templates, you must activate the Excel macros and have a medium level of security.
Excel deactivates them for security reasons and will ask you if you wish to activate the macros (Excel 2010 example):
However, Excel may not always ask you if you wish to activate them when they are deactivated.
The activation/deactivation of macros varies depending on the Excel version used. The information provided below will allow you to activate macros for most Excel versions (2013/2010/2007/2002).
Activating macros (EXCEL 2013)
Click “File” > “Options”:
Then on “Trust Center” > “Trust Center Settings”:
Then on “Macro Settings”:
The default (and recommended) option is “Disable all macros with notification” (with this option, you will be invited to activate macros on opening a file).
Activating macros (EXCEL 2010)
Click “File” > “Options”:
Then on “Trust Center” > “Trust Center Settings”:
Then on “Macro Settings”:
The default (and recommended) option is “Disable all macros with notification” (with this option, you will be invited to activate macros on opening a file).
Activating macros (EXCEL 2007)
Click “Excel Options”:
Then on “Trust Center” > “Trust Center Settings”:
Then on “Macro Settings”:
The recommended option is “Disable all macros with notification” (with this option, you will be invited to activate macros on opening a file).
Activating macros (EXCEL 2002)
Click “Tools” > “Macro” > “Security”:
The recommended option is “Medium security level” (with this option, you will be invited to activate macros on opening a file).
Excel tips:
Which version of Excel should I use?
You can use the Microsoft Excel online help.
In Excel, open the help (keyboard shortcut: F1) and type the search term “version”
For Office 2013
The latest version of Office still uses the File tab and the Microsoft Office Backstage mode.
- Click File > Account.
- Find the version number under Product Information.
For Office 2010
Office 2010 introduced the File tab and the Microsoft Office Backstage mode.
- Click File > Help.
- Find the version number under Product Activated.
For Office 2007
Office 2007 introduced tabs and the Microsoft Office button as well a tabs menu.
- Click the Microsoft Office button
> Word Options.
- In the Options dialog, click Resources. Find the version and Service Pack (SP) numbers.
For Office 2003
Office 2003 includes text menus in the gray bar: File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window
- Click Help > About.
- In the About dialog box, find the version and Service Pack (SP) numbers.
How to find the printer serial number?
2 Ways:
- By displaying the printer ID Card (For Windows only).
- By looking at the sticker on the back of the printer
How to preview a badge?
To preview a badge, select the related row in the Excel-based data entry form, then click Preview.
A Preview window will pop up. The previewed badge will display all data from the selected row.
How to save a badge template and new data?
When downloading a badge template, you need to save it to your hard drive so that your data and edits are saved as well.
For Excel 2007, 2010, or 2013, you should save your Office-Cards file in XLSB format (Menu “File | Save as” > Document type option).
How to switch to a different language in the Printer Manager?
To select a different language in the Printer Manager, right-click on the Printer Manager icon (located at the bottom of your screen, in the notification area).
Then, choose the « Language » menu item, and then select your preferred language from the displayed list.
How to switch to specific colors?
You can modify text colors in order to personalize your cards.
You can select you own colors if you want to use colors other than those displayed in the color palette from the text zone format window.
Do the following from the Excel menu:
Select Tools > Options > Color > Select color to be modified > Modify > select you requested color > OK
To select this color:
Settings > Select the item to be modified > Color > The new color appears in the color palette.
Careful: do not modify “standard” colors. It is advised to modify colors located at the bottom of the standard color palette (see below).
Three tools can be used to modify the colors of a WordArt object: Transparency, Background color and Border color. To switch colors, simply slowly move the cursors.
Note: choice of colors is restricted when using WordArt
I can't insert the cards. What should I do?
Check that the cards are not stuck together and that you are using cards compatible with Badgy (Badgy consumables are designed to optimize print quality).
Clean your printer, following the guidelines in the FAQ “How to clean the Badgy printer?”
If the problem persists, please call your Badgy reseller/distributor for assistance.
I have a ribbon cutting issue (Ribbon cutting issue pop-up message and/or ribbon cut), What should I do?
If the ribbon has been torn, please check the following:
1. Check that you are using a Badgy ribbon.
2. Check that you are using Evolis plastic cards which meet the specifications for your printer. Badgy takes PVC, PVC composite, PVC laminated, and PET cards.
3. Check that you are using the latest version of the firmware/printer driver for the Badgy printer. Run any updates required using this procedure “FAQ driver version and firmware“.
Please note: You can repair your torn ribbon using a single piece of adhesive tape.
I have a white margin on all my printed cards, can I reduce it?
No, the white margins (min is 1.4mm) from the printed cards’ edge are normal with the Badgy printer. It is not possible at all to reduce it completely.
I have an error message when installing my Badgy printer on USB 3.0 port, what should I do?
The USB port versions 1.0 to 3.0 are compatible with Badgy. If you have any printer driver installation problems with a USB port 3.0, please contact your Badgy reseller/distributor.
I have one or multiple horizontal white lines on my printed cards. What can I do?
White lines on the printed cards mean that the print head is unable to heat the ribbon in this zone: the ink cannot be diffused/applied correctly onto the card surface. This issue may arise from a dirty or faulty print head. Clean the print head.
If cleaning of the print head does not clear this defect, please contact your Badgy reseller/distributor.
I have some colors spots all over the card. What can I do?
This may happen if some dust is present on the card surface or in the printer.
The print head and the ribbon are in contact with the card those parts have to be dust free.
Make sure your cards and the ribbon are stored in a dust free environment.
Do not touch the printable surface of the cards as this could affect the print quality. You can also clean the printer to improve the print quality.
LED(s) of the control panel are on. What does it mean?
The “User’s Guide” provides you a clear explanation of every LED on the control panel.
This guide is available on the Evolis CD-ROM shipped with the printer, or, it can also be downloaded from our website.
My ribbon gets cut. What can I do?
If the ribbon gets cut during the printing process, please check the following points:
- Make sure you are using a Badgy original ribbon.
- Make sure you are using Badgy plastic cards (which are compliant with the printer requirement). PVC, composite PVC, laminated PVC and PET cards can be used with Badgy.
- Clean the printer (see here)
- Check if the ribbon is not faulty (replace it with a new one).
- If you still have the same issue, please contact your Badgy reseller or contact us.
No LED is on, including the power button. What should I do?
If no LED light is on, including the power button, please check the following points:
If you still have the same glitch even after following these points, please contact your Badgy reseller or distributor.
- Is the power supply connected to a live electrical wall socket?
- Are you using the power supply provided with your Badgy printer?
- Is the power supply faulty? (The power supply displays a green light when it operates properly).
- Is the power supply suitably connected to the printer?
What is the print resolution of the printer?
The print resolution is 300 dpi (11.8 pts/mm).
What is the memory capacity of the main board?
The memory capacity of the main board is 16 Megabytes of Random Access Memory (16 MB RAM).
What is the Badgy Printer Manager?
The Badgy Printer Manager is a communication tool for Windows, between your computer and your Badgy printer. There is no equivalent tool for Macs.
It gives you instant information on your Badgy via:
- A small icon located in the lower part of your screen, in the notification area, that switches color according to the current status of your printer (printer connected or disconnected, specific action to be taken, etc.).
- An information system of animated pop-up windows that tells you what action is required to be taken for printing (change ribbon, clean the printer, etc.).
This window provides access to local help, by clicking , It is also possible, in some cases, to cancel the printing job in progress by clicking
. You can also resume the printing job by clicking
What is the Badgy printer identification card and how do I get it in Windows?
The identification card displays several data (listed below) that are requested when calling upon technical support:
- Printer Name
- Printer Model
- Port Name
- Serial Number
- Version of the Driver and of the Setup program
- Firmware version
- The computer’s Operating System
- A status Identification number
- A date of validation.
An ID card can be printed in two ways:
- Double-click the Printer Manager icon (located at the bottom of your screen, in the notification area).
- Right-click on the Printer Manager icon to display the following menu, then select Identification Card.
Note: Data printed on an ID card is automatically updated after each print job.
What is a driver?
A driver is a computer program, hardware-dependent and operating-system
Specific, that allows a hardware device to communicate with a computer.
A driver acts like a translator between the device and programs that use the printer.
Each device has its own set of specialized commands that only its driver knows.
From the driver properties, you will find the possibilities to set ribbon type,
orientation (portrait or landscape), printing rotation (to print a card with a 180° angle) and the number of printouts. Your driver has a printing option for black characters. Such characters are useful if you want to print barcodes with software other than Office Cards.
The drivers also sends internal notifications and data from the printer. The driver must be installed prior to the first use of the printer and must be compatible with the operating system
What are the warranty conditions?
The Badgy printer and its print head have a 1-year warranty for an unlimited number of prints.
The warranty conditions are contained in the warranty notice provided with your Badgy printer, on the website under the “Support | Downloads” menu and also on the second screen of the installation wizard.
What are fixed and variable zones?
Office Cards badges display different objects that define either fixed or variable zones on the badge.
- A variable zone hosts information sourced from the data entry form. Variable areas let you display different data from one badge to the other. For example : Surname, First Name, ID picture, etc.
- A fixed zone host unvarying data, not sourced from the data entry area. Such data is common to all badges printed from this template. For example: Corporate/Organization name, logo, expiration date, etc.
All objects, whether fixed or variable, are pre-arranged on a template and are part of the design layout. They can be hidden or configured. You can also add/delete objects. You can delete any fixed zone. Meanwhile, you can only delete the variable zones that you have created.
It is not possible to add a variable image. If you need this feature for your badge, please select a template which comes with a variable picture, from our Website or from the CD-Rom supplied with Badgy.
The memory capacity of the main board is 16 Megabytes of Random Access Memory (16 MB RAM).
Please directly contact your Badgy reseller/distributor
Problems installing Badgy on Windows (Printer detected as "Unspecified")
During the install process it sometimes gets placed in the “Unspecified” folder of the printer menu and the Badgy icon gets stuck initializing. The solution to this issue is pretty simple:
- Right click Badgy icon in “Unspecified folder”
- Choose “Troubleshoot”
- After it runs diagnostic click “Apply This Fix”
- The printer should successfully install.
If the problem persists, please call your Badgy reseller/distributor for assistance.
What is the small icon at the bottom of my Windows screen for?
This icon is a Printer Manager communication tool between your computer and your Badgy printer. It gives you instant information about the status of your machine (connected or not, actions required, etc.). Check the FAQ for more details What is the Badgy Printer Manager?
What settings of the computer should I check before installing a driver?
Before starting an Badgy driver installation, make sure you are logged-in with ADMINISTRATOR rights, or else the computer will turn down the driver’s installation.
Which versions of Excel is the Office-Cards application compatible with?
Office-Cards is compatible with the 32-bit version of Excel only, for versions 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, and Excel 2013.
Office-Cards is not compatible with Office 365, Open Office, or a virtual version of Windows on a Mac.
For the 2013 version of Excel, please make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft Office installed from Microsoft Update.
What types of Bar codes can be printed with the printer?
Any type of barcode generated by an application can be printed. The printer will therefore print any barcode available in this application’s library.
Download the barcode font package.
Which operating systems are supported by Badgy?
Drivers for Badgy are available for the following platforms:
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista (32 & 64-bits)
- Windows 7, 8 (32 & 64 bits)
- Mac OS 10.8
Which software applications are compatible with Badgy?
The “Badgy” solution consists of a Badgy printer and the Office-Cards software. This software uses Microsoft Excel (compatible with versions 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013 (32-bit)). You need to have Excel installed on your computer to use it.
No installation is required: simply download a template from our website (card from the CD that comes with the printer) . You can then access this software directly.
You can also use most of your printing and office tools because the Badgy printer uses a driver which is compatible with Windows and Mac computers. If you do, you should set your document to the card format(dimensions 86×54 mm / 3.370×2.125 inches – ISO CR80).
Improve your efficiency and also discover Evolis Badge Studio, the new software for creating and personalizing cards and badges. An ergonomic, user-friendly interface to create your badges simply and easily. If you use Office Card software, download Evolis Badge Studio for free.
Which type of cards can be used with Badgy?
PVC, PVC composite, PVC laminated, and PET cards can be used with Badgy.
Badgy accepts cards in bank card format (dimensions: 86×54 mm/3.370×2.125 inches – ISO CR80) with a thickness of between 0.50 mm and 0.76 mm.
Print quality varies depending on the card manufacturer. That’s why we recommend using Badgy consumables which are designed to optimize print quality. Using Evolis consumables prolongs the life of your badges and your Badgy printer.
Which USB port versions can I use with my Badgy printer?
USB port versions 1.0 to 3.0 are all compatible. If you have any printer driver installation problems with a USB port 3.0.
Check that you are using the latest version of the firmware/printer driver for the Badgy printer.
If the problem persists, please call your Badgy reseller/distributor for assistance.
How can I check and upgrade the firmware?
You can directly identify the firmware version of your Badgy printer:
- From Badgy Print Center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties/Click on System details:
- By printing the technical test card from the Badgy print center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties/System details/ Click on Technical test card:
To perform an upgrade of the firmware printer, you need to run the wizard tool. There are two ways:
Menu Tools, then select “Printer firmware update wizard”
- From the Badgy Print Center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties.
- Click on Maintenance.
- Click on Firmware Update
- Run “Launch the update wizard”
How to clean the printer?
In order to get the most from your printer, cleaning is recommended. We recommend regular cleaning of the different printer parts: rollers and print head.
Do not hesitate to clean the printer in the event of any printing problems or after a long period of inactivity.
Recommended cleaning cycle: Once a year.
However, we do recommend more regular cleaning if your printer is located in a dusty place or if you use it intensively.
Servicing accessory: impregnated “T” shaped card.
The “T” cards and Evolis cleaning pens are available at your Badgy reseller.
Follow the procedure below to proceed with cleaning:
- Open the printer cover.
- Remove the ribbon.
- Close the cover and press until a click is heard.
- Remove any cards present in the feeder.
- Double-click the control button before inserting the “T” shaped cleaning card.
- Take the “T” shaped cleaning card and insert it in the feeder. Cleaning starts.
- Remove the “T” shaped card.
Printer cleaning may also be carried out from the Badgy Print Center, in printer properties “cleaning” section or by using the menu “Tools”, “Printer Cleaning Wizard”.
Warning, the “T” shaped card must be used immediately after the bag is opened.
The “T” card is single use. Please use a new card each time you clean.
Please refer to the user’s guide or to the “How to clean the printer” delivered on the CD with the printer.
How to find the printer serial number?
3 Ways:
- By printing the technical test card.
- By looking at the sticker on the back of the printer
- From the Badgy Print Center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties/ Click on System details:
I have a white margin on all my printed cards with a Badgy100, can I reduce it?
No, the white margins (min is 1.35mm) from the printed cards’ edge are normal with the Badgy100 printer. It is not possible at all to reduce it completely.
This margin does not exist with Badgy200 printer
Refer to Badgy printers differences in the section “Miscellaneous” of the FAQ.
Is there an ink cartridge in the printer?
Badgy printers use a printing ribbon (supplied) which consists of series of 5 panels:
To print a specific color on the card, the printer successively superimposes the first 3 layers (yellow, magenta and cyan) which together create the required shade, in photo quality. Black panels (to print text) and varnish (to protect the card) are then applied to the card.
What are the differences between Badgy100 and Badgy 200 printers?
This table presents your printer’s specifications.
![]() |
![]() |
Print area | Printing close to edge with a margin of 1,35mm | Edge-to-edge printing |
Print Speed
45s per card (80 cards an hour) 16 s per card (180 cards an hour) |
38s per card (95 cards an hour) 11s per card (240 cards an hour) |
Badge customization software
Badge Studio | Badge Studio + (including database management) |
What are the warranty conditions?
The warranty period for the Badgy printer and print head is of 1 year and unlimited passes. These are detailed in a paper document that is provided with Badgy printers, and are also displayed on the second screen of the driver setup wizard.
The warranty will be null and void. No support request will be entertained if generic ribbons have been used.
Extended warranties are available at your Badgy reseller.
What is a Firmware?
A firmware is a resident software, embedded in a flash memory on the main board and that operates as a layer between the hardware and the software. It is mainly used to directly manage the resource and is provided by Evolis for exclusive use with its printers.
A regular update is strongly advised to receive all the latest improvements:
- Enhanced performances
- New command(s) and feature(s)
- Bug fixing.
Each main board has its own firmware, which can be downloaded from this website.
BADGY firmware is downloadable from the BADGY website.
What type of port connection the Badgy printer use?
Badgy printer uses one USB port.
What type of cards can I use?
PVC, composite PVC and PET cards can be used with Badgy.
Badgy supports ISO CR80 – ISO 7810 norm cards (credit card size) and cards thicknesses from 0.50mm (20 mil) to 0.76 mm (30 mil).
Please note that printing quality may vary depending of the card manufacturer.
The Badgy consumables linked to the printer was specifically developed and optimized to guarantee the highest quality of printing. Using these consumables increases the life span of your badges and of your Badgy printer.
How can I check and upgrade the firmware?
You can directly identify the firmware version of your Badgy printer:
- From Badgy Print Center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties/Click on System details:
- By printing the technical test card from the Badgy print center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties/System details/ Click on Technical test card:
To perform an upgrade of the firmware printer, you need to run the wizard tool. There are two ways:
Menu Tools, then select “Printer firmware update wizard”
- From the Badgy Print Center, double-click on the printer name to access its Properties.
- Click on Maintenance.
- Click on Firmware Update
- Run “Launch the update wizard”
How to clean the printer?
In order to get the most from your printer, cleaning is recommended. We recommend regular cleaning of the different printer parts: rollers and print head.
Do not hesitate to clean the printer in the event of any printing problems or after a long period of inactivity.
Recommended cleaning cycle: Once a year.
However, we do recommend more regular cleaning if your printer is located in a dusty place or if you use it intensively.
Servicing accessory: impregnated “T” shaped card.
The “T” cards and Evolis cleaning pens are available at your Badgy reseller.
Follow the procedure below to proceed with cleaning:
- Open the printer cover.
- Remove the ribbon.
- Close the cover and press until a click is heard.
- Remove any cards present in the feeder.
- Double-click the control button before inserting the “T” shaped cleaning card.
- Take the “T” shaped cleaning card and insert it in the feeder. Cleaning starts.
- Remove the “T” shaped card.
Printer cleaning may also be carried out from the Badgy Print Center, in printer properties “cleaning” section or by using the menu “Tools”, “Printer Cleaning Wizard”.
Warning, the “T” shaped card must be used immediately after the bag is opened.
The “T” card is single use. Please use a new card each time you clean.
Please refer to the user’s guide or to the “How to clean the printer” delivered on the CD with the printer.
Is there an ink cartridge in the printer?
Badgy printers use a printing ribbon (supplied) which consists of series of 5 panels:
To print a specific color on the card, the printer successively superimposes the first 3 layers (yellow, magenta and cyan) which together create the required shade, in photo quality. Black panels (to print text) and varnish (to protect the card) are then applied to the card.
What are the warranty conditions?
The warranty period for the Badgy printer and print head is of 1 year and unlimited passes. These are detailed in a paper document that is provided with Badgy printers, and are also displayed on the second screen of the driver setup wizard.
The warranty will be null and void. No support request will be entertained if generic ribbons have been used.
Extended warranties are available at your Badgy reseller.
What is a Firmware?
A firmware is a resident software, embedded in a flash memory on the main board and that operates as a layer between the hardware and the software. It is mainly used to directly manage the resource and is provided by Evolis for exclusive use with its printers.
A regular update is strongly advised to receive all the latest improvements:
- Enhanced performances
- New command(s) and feature(s)
- Bug fixing.
Each main board has its own firmware, which can be downloaded from this website.
BADGY firmware is downloadable from the BADGY website.
What type of port connection the Badgy printer use?
Badgy printer uses one USB port.
What is badge Studio?
Badge Studio is a very simple, powerful and user friendly software to design and print ID cards.